
Comparing the Mega Everdrive X3 and X5

This article is going to compare the X3 and X5 versions of the Mega Everdrive. This is for those who want to spend less money than the X7 or Pro models, but still want...

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The 20 year old PSP can now connect to WPA2 Wifi Networks

Acid_Snake and the ARK Development team have released a significant update to the ARK custom Firmware for the Sony PSP. Custom Firmware now allows the Playstation Portable to connect to WPA2 encrypted Wifi networks....

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PS5: Firmwares 6.00 to 7.61 are getting kernel read/write. PS5-jar-loader released with kernel r/w support for 6.00 to 7.61

PS5 Developer Hammer-83 released PS5-JAR-Loader 4.01 a few days ago. The utility lets you run payloads via the bd-jb exploit, on PS5 Firmwares up to 7.61 included. This new release leverages a discovery by...

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Hardware Review: Everdrive 64 X5 from Krikzz

You’re here to learn everything that there is to know about the Everdrive64 X5 and I promise not to disappoint.  But let’s jump in because there’s a lot to get into with this one!...

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PS5: etaHEN 2.0 beta released

Developer LightningMods has released a Beta version of etaHEN 2.0. This new release adds a new Cheat support (similar to what we have with GoldHEN on PS4), as well as bug fixes. If you...

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Review: Krikzz’ Master Everdrive X7 for Sega Master System

I have about a dozen Everdrives to cover, so let’s not dilly-dally. Let’s just jump straight into this first one for the Sega Master System. The Master Everdrive X7 was my most anticipated as...

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PS Vita Alternatives

As the anniversary of psvita launch Also code-named NGP passes us once again. One thought comes to many owners past and present, “Is there a good psvita alternative now?”. When coming up with the...

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Handheld Review: Chromatic, the GBC Replacement?

Another handheld has entered the battlefield. This time, it’s from a newer company called ModRetro. They aim to create a modern day Game Boy Color with all the fix ins. Obviously, on paper, this...

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PS5: Remote play now possible from Jailbroken consoles (ps5-remoteplay-getpin payload)

Developer idlesauce has released a payload For Jailbroken PS5s, which allows to pair the console with a remote client (such as Chiaki), even if the console isn’t connected to the PSN. This enables Remote...

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Review: OpenED for Genesis/Megadrive

We love Krikzz and company, don’t we folks? Today we’ve got the first review out of several (spoilers) headed your way. This one got focus first and foremost because it’s the most affordable flash...

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Main Hosts

Karo Kameleon XHost-Pro
Karo Kameleon XHost-Pro
Nazky The Wolf PS4Macedo
Hakkuraifu The Wolf PS4Macedo

Other Hosts

Wr0zen Alerene Leeful PS-Phive V3
Wr0zen Alerene Leeful PS-Phive V3
Echo Stretch
Echo Stretch


Kameleon Karo
Kameleon Karo


If You Wish To Donate.
Ko-Fi Donate Here / Paypal Donate Here

NodeMCU-PyFlasher Doesn't Work With LilyGo S3. Download esptool.exe HERE
You will also need to use the command or create a write.bat file in notepad and add

EchoStretch 12345678

Big Thanks To Stooged ESP8266 (4MB) ESP8266 MOD (4MB) ESP32S2 (4MB) FeatherS2 (16MB) LilyGo S3 (16MB)
ES 7in1 GoldHEN 2.4 B16.2 GoldHEN 2.4 B16.2 GoldHEN 2.4 B16.2 GoldHEN 2.4 B16.2 GoldHEN 2.4 B16.2
ES 900AC GoldHEN 2.4 B16.2 GoldHEN 2.4 B16.2 GoldHEN 2.4 B16.2 N/A N/A
ES 672MC GoldHEN 2.4 B16.2 N/A GoldHEN 2.4 B16.2 N/A N/A
ES 505 GoldHEN 2.4 B16.2 N/A GoldHEN 2.4 B16.2 N/A N/A

ES All Hosts Android
GoldHEN 2.4 B16.2

Support SiSTRo
GoldHEN 2.4 B16.2

Big Thanks To Stooged ESP8266 (4MB) ESP32S2 (4MB) FeatherS2 (16MB) LilyGo S3 (16MB)
PS5 Hosts PS5 2x2in1 etaHEN 1.9B PS5 2x2in1 etaHEN 1.9B PS5 2x2in1 etaHEN 1.9B PS5 2x2in1 etaHEN 1.9B

Support LM
etaHEN 1.9B

If the ESP doesn't come up in the COMS then download driver HERE

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